Thursday 31 March 2011

What I am Going to use for my magazine Evaluation.

I have decided that I am going to use Scribd rather than Prezi to upload my Evaluation on my Magazine. this is because it is simple to navigate and easy to use. I am going to do my evaluation using Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 before I upload the presentation.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Warriors of Rock D.P.S

This is my Media Magazine D.P.S

The D.P.S is different to all the other pages because it has a Centeral Dominant Image on one page and text which connotates the image on the second page.

I have chosen the following image for my D.P.S because the D.P.S is about my band called "Thunderbolt" and they consist of 2 people.

I have also used the "Blazed" font for my masthead because the font makes the writing stand out from the rest of it. I have also included a website link so that the Target Audience can read the rest of the story about "Thunderbolt" and I have also included a Facebook page as well so the Target Audience could "Like" the page and by doing so, the magazine would send the Target Audience information about the magazine in general but also the bands and free tracks as well.

Friday 25 March 2011

Mood Board for Warriors of Rock

Here is my Mood Board to represent the Target Audience for Warriors of Rock.

As you can see, all of my images used connotate the Target Audience for my Magazine.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Media DPS Practice

This is my practice of my DPS. It contains the following:

  • Mast Head.
  • Centeral Dominant Image
  • Website
  • Page number
  • Text with quotations

Sunday 13 March 2011

Warriors of Rock Music Magazine Contents Page

This is my Media Music Magazine Contents Page. In the contents page, I have included the following features:

  • Clear Mast Head
  • Images
  • Subscription Offers
  • Puffs
  • Editors note (Letter)

Thursday 10 March 2011

Warriors of Rock practice Contents Page

This is what my Contents Page would look like. It has the following features.

  • Mast Head
  • Images
  • Promotion
  • Text
I am planning to use the Blazed font from Da Font for my Mast Head. Also, I am planning to use a Subscription becauase there would be more magazines being published.

Also the images I am going to use going down the side I have got the idea from FHM.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Warriors of Rock Music Magazine front cover

This is my Music Magazine front cover which is called "Warriors of Rock" I have included the following features in which all Music Magazines should have:

  • Clear Masthead
  • Centeral Dominant Image (C.D.I)
  • Puff
  • Bar Code and date
  • Price of Magazine
  • Clear text layout
  • Website
  • Free gift
  • Frequency (weekly, monthly)

Thursday 3 March 2011

My music magazine with the chosen image on the cover

This is what my Music Magazine front cover looks like so far. It has a Centeral Dominant Image, Bar Code, website and a Strapline

I am planning to use "Blazed" font which is from Da . This would be good for the Target Audience because the font would tie in with the Genre which is Rock and Roll

Idea of what my music magazine would look like.

This is a plan of what my music magazine woud look like. I have included the following features which a typical magazine should have:

  • Mast head
  • Strapline
  • Puff
  • Centeral Dominant Image (C.D.I)
  • Bar Code
  • Competition offer