Thursday 6 January 2011

Analysis of Classic Rock contents pages.

House Style.

The colour of the font for both the contents pages is black and red. The colours black and red represent masculinity which attracts the Male target audience because when they read this magazine, they feel young again due to the content of the magazine.

Use of Images

The use of images for both the Classic Rock contents pages represents both Classic rockers. On the second page, there is a picture of Ozzy Osborne with a tattoo needle. When you look closely into his eyes then you could see a look of adrenaline which represents a wild look in his eyes.

The second image is slightly different to the first image because that represents this character breaking free. This is because he is wearing leather and he is holding a blunderbuss. To the target audience, this represents freedom because he seems to be breaking free for what he is doing.

Use of Logo

The two contents pages feature no logos to comment on.

Use of Language to get attention

The Contents page uses a variety of languages to get the audiences attention. The contents pages uses persuasive language to get their audiences attention. This is achieved by the editor putting words and phrases such as “Get a 12 month magazine subscription for the price of 10.” This attracts the Target Audience because they would be interested in this magazine and they would subscribe because they may find a free gift.

Colour scheme

The colour scheme used with the Classic Rock contents page is basic. This is because the main colour scheme for the font is red title with black writing. This is good for the Target Audience because they could easily distinguish what is title and what is text.

Connotations of picture

Both pictures display freedom and adrenaline because they look manly to the target audience and they would feel the freedom in which the magazine would have to offer.

How would the Audience respond?

The Target Audience would respond well to the whole layout with the pictures. This is because when they would want to see the images then they would want to feel like them when the Target Audience would want to listen to their sophisticated music. This is because they would feel young again due to the image and what is the true meaning of this image.

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