Thursday 6 January 2011

Q contents page analysis

House Style

The house style for this is that the editor has used red. This symbolises lust for the magazine. This is good for the Target Audience because they can be interested in the magazine contents page.

Use of images

In the Q contents page the editor has used CDI. This is good for the Target Audience because they can read the contents page and they would see the CDI which is big and bold because it would make the magazine stand out and it is a U.S.P


There is a Q magazine Logo in the top left hand corner.

Use of Language to get audience attention

There is a use of persuasive language because there is a short fact file for each of the artists mentioned in the contents page. This is good because the Target Audience can learn about the artist in detail.


The font stands out because that is a title for each of the artists mentioned in the contents page.

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